Ronald Miller has an excellent post about the timing of interrogatories in personal injury lawsuits.

One of the most effective weapons available to plaintiff’s lawyers is the element of surprise. Although defendants typically begin lawsuits with far more information about the facts (and thus a better ability to marshal specific facts in their favor), they do not know what the plaintiff’s lawyer knows or believes, and they do not know how the plaintiff’s lawyer intends to prove his or her case.

Moreover, in some cases, the defendant’s lawyer might not even take the time to learn all the relevant facts. Thus, as Miller notes,

[S]ome [defense] lawyers are going to learn the case when they get the file and get their client ready, regardless of the stage of the case. Others are going to not know the file at all and introduce themselves to the client and the case 10 minutes before the depositions. The theory behind waiting to serve interrogatories is that if you get the latter type of defense attorney, the defendant will take positions that don’t comport with the facts, logic or good strategy because they have not looked at the nuances of the case. Arguably, this logic would even hold up against a top notch lawyer because every lawyer, even well prepared lawyers, sees a case with a clearer lens on the courthouse steps than they do when preparing for a deposition.

No doubt. On the other hand,

The advantage in first obtaining answers to interrogatories is that the answers should help the attorney determine who should be deposed, what questions should be asked of those deponents and what documents should be obtained in the case.

Of course, another highly effective weapon is the truth. Much as how cynics say that you should tell the truth because it is easier to remember, a lawyer will always be able to handle surprise at trial if his or her theory of the case is consistent with the truth. Conversely, a lawyer who presents a theory that is inconsistent with the truth (even if presented in good faith, such as when the lawyer was simply unaware of a particular fact) is exposed to the risk that a “surprise” fact will contradict their theory and take the whole case down with it.

For me, then, when determining how much discovery I want to do prior to a deposition, I consider how much I know about the witness’s story and about the truth, and how much more I need to know about the witness’s story and the truth. Thus, while I rarely send out comprehensive interrogatories prior to a deposition, I will usually send out enough to know the witness’s position with regard to the major issues in the case. Odds are, the defense lawyer will have figured out those issues (and prepared the witness) even if they only picked up the file a few days before the deposition, so it’s pointless to blind myself to those facts.

Finally, in my personal experience trickery of any form, even ethical trickery that is entirely within the bounds of professionalism, is a waste of time, and you have more to lose by attempting it than by simply investigating the case thoroughly and proving it in the most clear, concise and compelling manner possible.

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