Over at the North Carolina Law Blog, Jim Dedman, proprietor of Abnormal Use (and friend of this blog) writes about a perceived risk of writing a law blog: that your opponents may take the things you write and use them against you in court.
I agree with Jim entirely that there isn’t much reason to worry about that, not least because of the low odds that you will actually say something your opponent could really use against you in court. I believe in what I do as a lawyer and so my thoughts expressed on this blog are usually consistent with the arguments I make in court. I assume the same is true for Jim, even though he does exactly the opposite of what I do. If you don’t believe strongly enough in the work you do as a lawyer, you should probably focus more on finding direction in your professional life or changing practice areas than on writing a blog.
But that’s not to say there aren’t some very real risks in setting up and writing a blog.
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