Those are the charming words of a vice president at Lundbeck, Inc., which claims to be "committed to providing innovative therapies that fulfill unmet medical needs of people with severe, and often rare, diseases for which few, if any, effective treatments are available."

By "these," he was, by way of an email to others at

I already made one post out of The Social Network (i.e., Why Mark Zuckerberg Won’t Sue For Defamation Over The Facebook Movie), which is one more than I expected, but apparently there’s another legal issue in there.

Gawker and Business Insider published a scoop yesterday on the "dirty tricks" that Mark Zuckerberg used to

[UPDATE: The lawyer called me and asked to "restart" our relationship, including by removing the more provocative elements, so I did. Water under the bridge.]

Yesterday I received an email which said:

Pursuant to New Jersey Rule of Court 1:4-8, please allow this correspondence to serve as notice that Defendants intend to file

The internet has not been pleased with the proposed settlement reached between Lowe’s — which denies ever selling any tainted Chinese drywall — and the plaintiff’s attorneys in a Georgia state court class action.

There’s two problems with the proposed settlement, which has not yet been approved by a judge. First, the settlement is a

As widely reported by every tech site on the internet, last week Oracle (which recently acquired Sun Microsystems) sued Google for infringing upon a variety of software patents Sun obtained while developing the Java software platform.

For the facts, I can’t improve upon the fine commentary at Groklaw, CNet, and tech-specific sites like