Huge corporate law firms with hundreds of lawyers do two things well: represent corporate clients in billion-dollar matters (like mass torts defense and mergers and acquisitions) and provide one-stop-shopping for corporations with ten or eleven figure annual bills for legal services.

For example, if you’re one of the largest oil companies in the world, and

The Insurance Journal reports a rise in legal malpractice claims. Incredibly, there has been no hand wringing about increased malpractice rates for lawyers or fears that lawyers will no longer be able to keep their practices open as their insurance rates rise. We have

[UPDATE: the District Court dismissed the charges mid-trial, as explained by the Compliance and Enforcement Register, which has a copy of the order. Subsequent reporting indicates there was considerable doubt within the US Attorney’s office over prosecuting the case.]

One of the benefits of being a contingent-fee plaintiffs’ lawyer is that I 

Lawyers have a lot of technical training and experience. They spend three years in a hybrid humanities / vocational graduation school, devote a few months to cramming a summary of one or two state’s laws into their brains, regurgitate and forget it all over two or three days, then spend a couple years learning, through

As Prof. Geoffrey Hazard recounts:

In the confirmation hearings concerning Louis Brandeis before the United States Senate almost a century ago — hearings evaluating whether Brandeis was fit to be a Justice of the United States Supreme Court — Brandeis was challenged concerning his professional ethics as a lawyer. It was charged that he

[UPDATE: The lawyer called me and asked to "restart" our relationship, including by removing the more provocative elements, so I did. Water under the bridge.]

Yesterday I received an email which said:

Pursuant to New Jersey Rule of Court 1:4-8, please allow this correspondence to serve as notice that Defendants intend to file