As you may have heard, Judge Rakoff did not like the proposed SEC settlement with Bank of America (neither did I) in part because it blamed the bank’s lawyers while refusing to waive attorney-client privilege and explain what, exactly, went wrong. A week ago, he rejected it entirely:

In a 13-page order available here

On Christmas Eve, the Third Circuit issued its opinion in Jurinko v. The Medical Protective Company and The Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error (MCARE) Fund, a fascinating insurance bad faith claim arising from the failure to tender policy limits in a medical malpractice case, prompting an article in yesterday’s Legal Intelligencer and

Over at PhilaLawyer, an anonymous (and largely humor-focused) part of the Rudius blog network, there are four ideas for "Shyster-Proofing the Courts:"

1. Immediate Mandatory Mediation
2. Allow Expert Witnesses to be Deposed
3. Give Frivolous Litigation Claims Teeth and Allow Expert Witnesses to Be Sued in Such Claims
4. Eliminate Referral Fees


I spotted this intriguing entry with regard to the Bear Stearns indictment and the duty of corporate counsel to employees:

[Defendant Tannin] raised the issue of whether to approach a lawyer regarding his doubts about the market. “Who do we talk to about this?” wrote Tannin in an e-mail, sent from his private account, to co-defendant Ralph Cioffi. “Outside counsel? (And here we have to be careful because our outside counsel is [Bear Stearns Asset Management’s counsel] NOT our counsel — This is another very big issue we at least need to think about.)”

He was right — if he had talked to Bear Stearns’ lawyer, they would not have told him what was in his best interest. They would have told him what was in the best interest of the company. More below the fold.Continue Reading “In-House Counsel” Represents the Company, Not the Workers